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10 TED Talks For Bloggers

Hey, guys! How is your Wednesday? I hope you are well. Right now I am just cuddling with my kitty and listening to Stephen snore! Today I am bringing you a post about the best 10 TED Talks for bloggers. The first time I ever even heard of TED Talks was in Highschool I believe my junior year. I was amazed with how much content was on the site, and you had so many great leaders right on your screen for free. Recently, I went back through and found some old favorites & new and made a post for you in hopes it will help you on your journey as a blogger. Enjoy!

1. Eduardo Briceno: How to get Better at the Things you Care About

In this TED Talk Eduardo speaks on the importance of spending more time in the learning zone then the performance zone. I feel as if bloggers can relate to this in so many different ways. When you start as a blogger, you believe that if you write & write that you will eventually get to the top. That isn't the case at all. Take time out of your day to research blogging tips, and reading other blogs that you admire. Are you the kind of person that struggles when you write? You just want to get your words out on the page, then you forget about grammar?  Practice your writing with a grammar program such as Grammarly! This program has helped me so much on becoming a better writer. Grammarly is a program as you type that picks up your misspelled words, and any other grammar problem you might have. The best part it's free, and the only thing you have to pay for is premium, and premium just goes in further in helping you make your writing better for your readers. Below is a screenshot of what it looks like, and how simple it is.

 Here it is showing that I miswrote screenshot. You can click on the side box, and it will correct it for you!

Here I have Premium. It goes more in depth and shows that I am using a repetitive word, and it also gives tips! Even though you have to pay for Premium, you can get a week free using my link. It is such a great investment, and even if you don't want premium, you can use the free part!

2. Simon Sinek: How Great Leaders Inspire Action

This video is a little bit of a longer one, but it goes by so quick because what you learn from it is very true. I watched this a few times because I wanted to understand what Simon was saying in this TED Talk. As being a blogger, we are all leaders. No matter what our niche is, fashion, technology, lifestyle, or anything your heart wants to write about, we all have a follower base that tunes in to read our blog maybe daily or weekly. Homework for you, start saying why you blog, and why your blog is best for your viewers, instead of saying what your blog includes. 

3. Cameron Russell: Looks Aren't Everything. Believe Me; I'm a Model. 

Are you a blogger that struggles with what your image is in the blogging world, or on Instagram? This video is one you need to watch. Maybe this one won't help you with your blogging, but it will inspire you to change what you think of yourself, and that's why it's on this list.

4.  Shawn Achor: The Happy Secret to Better Work

This one will have you laughing the whole time. Shawn talks about how if we put more positive feedback in our lives towards people, and if we get it in return, our work is better. We start to live happier, be more creative, and live a better life. 

5.  Julian Treasure: How to Speak so that People Want to Listen 

This TED Talk is great if you also like to do some public speaking. Public speaking is something that is special in my heart. I was in FFA all four years of Highschool, in those four years, I went from a person that was very shy and scared to speak, to someone that was able to talk to anyone. Julian gives you tips and tricks on ways to talk, so people will want to listen to you and your issue. 

6. Richard St. John: 8 Secrets of Success

Every single one of these tips is true. Even I don't like the word success because I always want to be grateful for what I have, this is something that should be watched. If you ever want to be successful for the right reasons, you will not get there or last without these eight things. 

7. Amy Cuddy: Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are

The first time I watched this TED Talk I was amazed. I never really realized how important body language is. This video can come in handy if you are meeting with a brand on Skype or in person, or you have an e-course that you are filming.

8. Steve Jobs: How to Live Before You Die

Steve Jobs is just an inspiring person. This video the first ever TED video I ever watched, and It is such a beautiful speech. "Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish."

9. Matt Cutts: Try Something New for 30 Days

I hope this inspires you to try something new with your blog or life for 30 days. For 30 days my goal is to connect with more brands and find more product that will help you. One of the new things you can try along with me is Inzpire! I just signed up for it and I'm loving it so far. Inzpire helps you get connected to the brands you love, know, and may not know. 

10. Thomas Suarez: A 12-year-old App Developer

You can never be too old or too young in this case to start your life and do what you love. One of my favorite on this list, I hope this inspires you to go for your dreams.

Thank you so much guys for reading this post. I really hope that you find each of these videos helpful in your career as a blogger.

Have you watched TED Talks before? If so, what is your favorite? Tell me in the comments below!

Have a great rest of your day!

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  1. This is a really good list of TED talks. Of this list, I've only ever paid attention to Matt Cutts probably because I'm a content marketer and I need to keep up with what works and doesn't work with Google so my product stays relevant. Rich B

    1. Thank you! Matt is a new find for me, but I can't wait to watch more of his!

  2. I love Ted Talks! They are so great and short little motivators. I haven't seen a lot of these, so I am definitely going to check them out. :)

    1. Whenever I'm feeling down on myself, I always turn to TED Talks! They always make me want to go out and take on the world!

  3. I've only watched a handful of Ted Talks so I love that you dedicated a whole post to ones that are valuable for bloggers. Thank you!

  4. Thank you so much for putting this list together! I love TED talks but haven't seen any of these before. I also appreciate that the talks are from a variety of speakers. Everyone has something to teach if we are willing to listen! (: As a beginner blogger, I will enjoy watching these. Thanks again for sharing.

    1. Yes I agree! We can all learn something new from everyone, we all have different life experiences. Thank you fo reading!

  5. Great list! I love TED talks and watch them for fun all the time. I have watched some of the ones on your list but not all of them. Thanks for sharing!

  6. I've heard of TED talks, but I haven't listened to any. You've put together a nice list of topics here. Maybe one day, I will look into TED talks in greater detail.

    1. You should! I love them so much, I try to start off with a TED Talk each day!

  7. Great post! Can't wait to watch these!

  8. This is such a great list! I just watched Cameron Russell's talk and I love how to convey her message across. There's so many speakers that I'm going to check them out. Thanks for sharing this.

    1. Thank you! I love her TED Talk, it's so meaningful and that's why I had to add it.

  9. These are a great resource, thanks for rounding them up! I wish I had these earlier! Time to get watching!

    1. No problem, it's never to late to improve your skills!

  10. I never watch TED talks but I think I am gonna start. I have a few friends who have done a few too!

    1. Thats so awesome! I'm so happy your starting!

  11. Ahhhh I love TED talks! My junior year English teacher (who was my favorite high school teacher of all time) showed us the Amy Cuddy TED talk in class and it revolutionized the way I think about body language and confidence. Overall great picks! <3

    1. I'm so happy someone feels the same way I do about TED Talks! There are so many, and I wish more people had heard about them!

  12. Delighted to have already seen two of these. I spend far too much time watching TED talks!

  13. Absolute pure genius post! Love it! Def sharing this with my hubby!

  14. I've never heard of this before. Now I'm intrigued

  15. LOVE "Try Something New for 30 Days". Sounds very doable and a challenge I'd like to take.

  16. omg I need to watch all of these!! Probably someday next week when I'm not doing a thousand things at one lol. Bookmarked so I don't forget :)

  17. Thank you for because I didn't know about any of them

  18. I've actually seen number 7 - i always find body language fascinating. I will bookmark this as like sound of 5, 6 and 9 most x

  19. I have always loved TED Talks!!!They are so inspirational!!

  20. These are great TED talks. I haven't listened to them all, but I am gong to start now. Thanks for such an awesome and inspirational list!

  21. I can't wait to check these out! Thanks for the helpful list.

  22. I don't have the time to check these out right now, but I will bookmark this and slowly make my way through them. They all so so inspiring and insightful.

  23. Thanks for sharing will defo add these to my list to watch x

  24. interesting to watch! bookmarked this page to see the videos later!


  25. I have watched some very inspiring TED talks and believe them to be very useful both to me as a blogger and just in life in general. This is a great list of talks and I've found some I am interested in viewing!

  26. I'm so glad I found this post. This week I met someone who did a Tedx and decided I should listen to more of them :) This is a great list!!

  27. I have never watched a TED talk, why is this!!?? I love this and watched a few - will come back to watch the rest later, fab stuff!

  28. Great list, i have bookmarked to read and watch later once the kids are in bed!

  29. I have never even heard of a TED talk, thank you for sharing the list. I am definitely bookmarking this for future!!

  30. I'd never heard of TED talks but from what I have seen here I am a fan. So inspiring.

  31. Pinned! Thanks for the list. We will be watching!

  32. I use Grammrly and I love it! It's helped me so much with writing my posts.

  33. Thank you so much for sharing this! This gives me plenty to watch tonight! haha I've actually never thought of watching Ted for this particular topic! I don't know why...

  34. Thanks for putting all these useful videos in one place. I need to check these out

  35. I'm bookmarking some of these! I've seen the Simon Sinek one and it's great!

  36. I have seen a few Ted videos. Need to watch these.

  37. I love TED talks! They always give me a little shot of motivation. I can't wait to check these out .. especially the 12 year old app developer. How cool is that!?

  38. Wow imagine how cool you will be aged 12 developing apps! I havent even got a clue where to start x

  39. I'm gonna say it, IK've never watched a TED talk!!! These are all great suggestions though and I'm really interested in watching a few of them!!

  40. Wow this is interesting. I hadn't heard of Ted Talks before seeing this post. I hope to watch some now though.

  41. great list. I keep being told about TED talks but haven't really known where to start when it comes to knowing what to watch x

  42. I've heard of TED Talks but I've never watched any so this list is perfect so I can watch a couple! xo

  43. I love TED talks but haven't watched many since I started blogging - these are going on my playlist today!

  44. I've watched a few TED talks in the past, so need to add these to my playlist to watch x

  45. I've never watched a TED talk, will take a little look through them now.

  46. Thank you some much for sharing these! TED talks are always so awesome and I haven't seen any of these yet.

  47. I always watch and stream for TED Talks, it's always makes me more inspired to go on. Thanks for the list! -Anosa

  48. They've got some interesting talks on TED from so many different entrepreneurs. Thanks for sharing these top 10 for bloggers.

  49. This is a great round-up - I'm going to bookmark these to watch later!
