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As the weekend comes to a end, I thought I would share what I did. Starting with Thursday though, because I'm a rebel.

Thursday: Sadly, I don't have a photo of this, but we did make a whole lot of vines. I got to find out what my best friend is having!! It was so exciting, and I totally guessed right, a little girl! Yay! She's going to be stunning, just like her mama. I can't wait to hold her, and spoil her to death. 

Friday: I went shopping for some back to school clothes. I'll be doing a post over this once I get more clothes. I got that cute little mason jar at Walmart!

Saturday: I hung out with my man, and watched him get his goats ready for the fair. I have a new goat friend, one of the little ones. I love the little goats because you can pick them up, and they're like little puppies!

Sunday: Today is my lazy day. Well, kinda; I'm catching up on blog posts I need to write. So that's shall what I do right now, as I watch Titanic, one of my favorite movies ever.

Enjoy the week everyone! I hope your weekend was great.

What inspires my blog

Venus Trapped in Mars

As I was scrolling through the blog's I follow, I came across this. Then boom, it came to me, I don't really pay attention to what inspires my blog posts. 

Is it my dog? No.
Is it me? Kinda.
Is it what I randomly find on the internet? Well in this case... Yes.

Then I realized, I finally had that light bulb moment. Everything inspires my blog posts. The people I meet, my family, my awesome man, what I randomly come up with in my head, and the beauty of life. Nobody is perfect, heck, I'm far from it. But there are people that have told me "Hannah, your life seems great!" Yeah, keyword "seems." Now, I'm not being a Debby Downer or anything, but my life isn't perfect, I have hard times just like everyone else. But I learn to make the best from it and move on. In some cases I write about those problems, so maybe people that have the same problem can see how I deal with it, and can help themselves. 

I don't only post about the hard times though, I post about the good times. The times I spend with my family, and the way I'm so blessed. It's not my way of bragging, it's my way of showing I'm a normal person. I've seen many people that just post about how perfect their life is, and nothing ever goes wrong. If that is true, good for you. But I like seeing people relating to others. I like seeing people talking about something that didn't go right in their day, but this happen so it made it 1,000 times better. 

I guess what inspires me to keep writing posts, is because I'm 100% real. I can't tell everything I happens in my life, but you get a good chunk of it. I wouldn't change my life at all, it is my kinda perfect. 

Hola everyone!

Hola People, you're lookin' goooood today.
I've decided to write a fact post today, because I'm a interesting ball of fun. So, jumping right in.

1. I love fact posts, fact videos, or those "whats in my *insert bag/backpack/purse*" videos. I mostly think why I do is because I'm kinda nosy. Not that really bad nosy where I have to know everything that is going on, but where I like to know what have just so I can see if I want it or if I should get it. 

2. I think everyone on TMZ is the funnest people I've ever saw. I'm always laughing my butt off when I watch that show. 

3. There's sometimes when I say "Walmarts" instead of "Walmart" or I say Ya'll a lot. I did grow up in Kansas, so it's all good in the hood. 

4. My phone is full of selfies, funny pictures, and food pictures. I'm also have a bad habit of taking a ton of pictures.

5. I'm going to be a senior in high school this year. I haven't really figured out if I'm excited or scared. It's my last year! I'm going to miss it so much, but at the same time I just wanna stay and never ever grow up. 

Well, that's 5 facts about me. Trust me there's more, so i'll tell more and more in later posts! 
What's some fact's about you?

And that's how we do it round here!

Hey ya'll
If you're just like me, you're most likely always listening to music. I love my Beats, even though I've tried to sell the poor things a million times when I'm broke. But I'm happy my parents stop me because they really are one of the closest thing to heaven... well music heaven. 
Getting on with the post, these are the jam's I've really been digging this week. You'll see me rocking out to these a bunch. 

1. Round Here - Florida Georgina Line
I swear I'm learning every word to this song. It's the bee's knee's. It's one of those song's when you listen to it you want to just start dancing, but that kinda dance where you just keep your hands in the air and you look so stupid, even if it comes on in the middle of Walmart. 

2. As If - Sara Evans
"I love the way you wear those wore out blue jeans, walkin' around in the big sunshine." That line makes me think of Scott right of the bat. I think of this song is my song to him, or how I feel about him. It's also adorable. Well, because he's adorable. 

3. Beware - Big Sean
Of course, rap would have to pop up sometime during this. I can't deny my love for Big Sean, he's not really that cute but it's his lyrics and voice that has me in love. But this song is pretty much saying, Beware a girl with a broken heart. Don't believe me? It says it like 5 times in the whole song, and it repeats Beware 10 million times. But I still love it. Total jammin'.

4. The Way - Ariana Grande
First I'm going to throw out there, I'm not the biggest fan of Mac Miller. That's why I didn't mention him in the title, because I'm a meanie. But Ariana is soooo stunning, and her voice in stunning! This is adorable song. "You princess to the public, but a freak when it's time." 

5. Chloe - Emblem 3
I hated this song when it first came out. I was like, "Great, another teenage boy band." But this song has to end up on my adorable list again. It's just stuck in my head and it won't leave. I'll get over it in a week.

Do I like to dance? Yes. Can I dance well? Heck no. But I will still dance to all these songs, so just cover your eyes.

I'm Going to Fly away

I don't know if ya'll have heard the song "Fly Away" By Sugarland, but it came on while I was listening to music on iTunes, and it really made me think. 

In a year I'm going to be out of this town, moving on to bigger and better things. I'm pretty sure you've heard "I'm totally going to leave this town." But they don't do it, they stick around and ruin what is waiting out there for them. Why? Why does this happen? Why do I still see people that is 3 years older then me and they're still sticking around hanging out with kids my age? Well, I think it's because they're scared, they're scared of breaking free from this life and really seeing what is out there for them. But I can't lie, I'm scared also. In one year my whole life is going to change, and I'm really going to have to grow up. My parents won't always be around to help me, even more if I don't stick around and go to a college around my town. Oh, wait, look, the term "sticking around" came up again. I've always been that girl, the one that says that I'm going follow my dreams, and go away. But I still think about staying around colleges here. I don't want to fall into that hole that I think I need to stick around and be babied till I get married and have kids. I need to realized that, that's not what I want. I want to "fly away," I want to go off and do something great. 

So I will do something great.

No matter how hard it is, I will go off, I will travel, learn on my own and make my own mistakes.
I will blog about every single one of those. 
So please keep following my journey, help me out, and also let me inspire you to "Fly Away" in your own way.

Thank you for sticking around you lovely people.

I wrote a post!?

So I thought I would blow the dust off the good ol' blog, and finally write a post. There is reasons why I haven't been
writing, it's not like I've just left ya'll for no reason. I've been pretty busy, and such. 

1 Reason.
I've been pretty busy like I just said
Life is crazy, everyone should know this. If you have time to write a blog post every day or at least once a freakin' month. I clap for you, a slow clap and it probably doesn't last long because I'm jealous you have that much time on your hands. I've had to deal with a camp that lasted 3 days, SCCL. It's a FFA thing, for chapter leaders. I had a good time there but to be honest, everything they taught us there I already knew. Well, because, I was a chapter leader the year before. But if you're just now coming into this officer thing, it's a great learning experience. I feel much closer to my officer team now, and  we came up with great plans for the up coming year! Coming back from that I went to a KC Royals game, with my boyfriend and his
pretty awesome family. Now I know many people on here like to say mentioning someone you've only dated for a couple months isn't a good idea, but since this is my blog and such, I'll be mentioning his wonderful self a lot. He treats me good, and  I have a bragging problem when it comes to him. Tomorrow we're going on a date, that's also why I haven't had anytime, because we have many date nights, because, bless his heart, we both have a movie problem. Most of our dates have been at the rodeo that was in town, sadly most of this stuff I'm mentioning I won't be able to put photo's up because my iPhone is having a hissy fit right now and acting like a child. Last but not least, I've been working for the Sportsman Association selling tickets
to win a rifle. Woo!

2 Reason.
Where's my internet?!
Since I am underage, and still in high school, I still live with my parents. We've decided to spend less money by using less internet. So that mean's I can't use internet till 2 am to 8 am. That is the time that it is free, I rest my case. 

3 Reason.
Blogger Block
I NEVER KNOW WHAT TO WRITE ABOUT ANYMORE. It's not like I don't have awesome stuff going on in my life, it's just that when I sit down to write about this awesome stuff I log out of Blogger because I'm annoyed with words, and just everything! But I'm pretty sure my Blogger block is going away because I seem to be able to write this post and not throw my computer out the window into the storm. Yeah.

So that's my reasons, I hope ya'll forgive me? I can't promise a blog post every single night, because it is summer, and I happen to have a life. But I will start writing more. Even more when school starts because when I have nothing to do in class I normally read blogs, so I guess instead of doing that I could post a little more. Ya'll are awesome, stay that way. :)