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Hola everyone!

Hola People, you're lookin' goooood today.
I've decided to write a fact post today, because I'm a interesting ball of fun. So, jumping right in.

1. I love fact posts, fact videos, or those "whats in my *insert bag/backpack/purse*" videos. I mostly think why I do is because I'm kinda nosy. Not that really bad nosy where I have to know everything that is going on, but where I like to know what have just so I can see if I want it or if I should get it. 

2. I think everyone on TMZ is the funnest people I've ever saw. I'm always laughing my butt off when I watch that show. 

3. There's sometimes when I say "Walmarts" instead of "Walmart" or I say Ya'll a lot. I did grow up in Kansas, so it's all good in the hood. 

4. My phone is full of selfies, funny pictures, and food pictures. I'm also have a bad habit of taking a ton of pictures.

5. I'm going to be a senior in high school this year. I haven't really figured out if I'm excited or scared. It's my last year! I'm going to miss it so much, but at the same time I just wanna stay and never ever grow up. 

Well, that's 5 facts about me. Trust me there's more, so i'll tell more and more in later posts! 
What's some fact's about you?

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