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30 Self-Care Ideas

On most days I really don't know how to take care of myself. On those days, I'm lucky if I even get out of bed. Self-Care is such an important thing to practice, so that's why I made this post. I'm getting better and better at self-care then what I use to be, and these are the things that have helped me the most. Self-care reminds you how important you really are, even when it's the day that you don't feel like it at all. I hope all of these ideas help you a lot. 

1. Take a hot bath.
This one is a personal favorite. Anytime I'm feeling down I just hop into the bathtub, even if that means taking multiple showers in one day. It helps! 

2. Wear something soft, like my favorite, fuzzy socks!
With me, feeling something very soft makes me euphoric, it puts me in a way better mood!

3. Get a full nights sleep.
This one is a crucial one. Get a full nights sleep even though it can be very hard at times. Also, to add on to this one, make sure you're not sleeping too much as that can make you feel worn out and crappy. 

4. Put fresh sheets on your bed, then spray it with your favorite scent. 
Clean sheets just make you feel so productive with life, at least with me it does. Your favorite scent will also help you feel more down to earth and at home. 

5. Visit a coffee shop that makes you feel cozy.
This one is an awesome one, I haven't actually found a coffee shop around here that is awesome than Starbucks. But even visiting Starbucks makes me feel more productive and that I'm taking care of myself. 

6. Spend a day away from Social Media. 
This one is my favorite. Right now I'm just using my boyfriend's phone, so when I'm out in public I have to interact more with people, and actually pay attention to life. Who knew that was actually a thing, kidding with that one. But seriously, say screw your phone for a day and see what is going on around you. 

7. Meditate with some crystals.
I always have crystals in my room. They help my mood so much, and if I'm feeling down, I always carry my rose quartz in my pocket. Even if you don't believe in the energy with crystals, meditate without them. Meditation helps your mind and body so much. 

8. Light candles all over your room and/or home.
Candles make the house seem so much cozier as soon as you light them. 

9. Do yoga.
I actually just got done finishing this one! I recently just started doing this, but even after my first time of doing it, I feel instantly better. 

10. Spend time with your animal(s).
My kitty is my best friend. When I'm feeling down, I keep her by my side and her just being there makes everything feel better.

11. Write down your thoughts.
This is one I wish I did more. 

12. Think and plan out future goals.
This is one I do a lot. When I see my goals wrote down on paper or even on the computer it's proof that I have to get, those done now. 

13. Do breathing exercises.
This one is the bomb.com

14. Listen to some of your favorite music.
Always going to be a favorite of mine. I also feel like this is a known one to do. Try listening to your favorite music or listen to some calming music. 

15. Exercise.
This also goes with the yoga. Every time I exercise I keep thinking why I'm doing this in the middle of it, but after I'm all done I feel so much better. 

16. Read Motivational quotes. 
THIS IS MY FAVORITE ONE ON THIS LIST. This is what gets me through life every single day. I would be nothing without motivational quotes. I even have a Pinterest board that I go back to. 

17. Eat something fresh, like fruits and veggies.
I don't know what it is about clean things with me, as soon as I eat it I feel so much better. Eating fruits and veggies is taking care of yourself, so this is an easy one!

18. If you have some essential oils, try those. 
I don't have any, but I really need to start trying some! I've heard great things!

19. When taking a hot bath, try out one of your favorite bath bombs.
I love bath bombs so much that I go crazy in Lush. 

20. Turn off your phone for a few hours.
This is the same as the Social Media one. Get away from your phone for a few hours!

21. Color in your favorite coloring book.
I have an Alice in Wonderland one that I got for Christmas. The pictures are beautiful and brings out my creative side.

22. Put on a refreshing face mask.
I have so many face masks that I run to whenever I'm stressed. Some of my favorites are Glam Glow, Clarisonic facemask, some more listed below!

23. Make your favorite smoothie. 
Fruits, people! They help!

24. Lay in the sunshine.
Warmth. Yaassss. 

25. Play your favorite video game.
My favorite video game is World of Warcraft (I know, I'm a nerd.) But Sims is another one that is my favorite. Maybe it's because when my life is sucking, I can control other peoples, kinda kidding. 

26. Fill your room with light.
If you are obsessed with good lighting as I am, you feel me on this one. It makes you feel so much more productive, I promise!

27. Watch your favorite series or movie.
Bob's Burgers is my run to if I'm feeling down. It always makes me laugh! If you're more of a YouTube person like me, though, watch some YouTube videos, and that always helps me feel more productive! 

28. Practice positive talk.
Practice what you preach. 

29. Take selfies, you're stunning.
It's true, you're beautiful! I love when people take selfies, and you can tell that are feeling themselves. It's awesome!

30. Practice self-love. 
This is an always should happen thing. 

Well, there you go, guys! I really hope these help you all and make you practice self-care more. I can't preach enough how important self-care is. I love you all, and let me know in the comments below what some are your favorite to do. I would like to try some more! Have a great rest of your Monday.   


  1. Hannah! I love all of these ideas! I rarely take a hot bath but when I do I feel like a new woman! If only I could squeeze all of these into one day! That would be amazing! Hope you have a great week!! XO

    1. Thank you so much! I can't go a day with out a hot bath, it helps so much! I hope you have a great week also!

  2. Awesome list! I really need to unplug sometimes I feel so attached to my phone when I am promoting blog posts and such, sometimes I just need to step back and remember to take care of myself

    1. Yes, for sure! It took me a long time to realize how important self care is!

  3. Awh! I love this. My husband and I started a Sunday tradition for self care. We light lavender candles and take a spa bath using salts, mud masks, body scrubs. It's so relaxing and just a great way to start the week!

    1. That sounds so amazing! Me and my Fiance need to do that! I'm sure it's a great way to start your week.

  4. This is a lovely and important list! It's amazing how changing your surroundings can instantly boost your mood. I love hanging out in coffee shops.


  5. Such lovely ideas! Love them all... especially the fuzzy socks!!! lol thanks for all the ideas... I'd like to have a "me" day where I do all of this in one day!

    1. Do it, girl! You will not regret it one bit!

  6. Love these! I think my favorite tips are #6 and #25 - my husband and I LOVE the Sims lol - we frequently play on our laptops on the couch next to each other when we want to zone out at the end of a long day haha. Thanks for sharing these! :)

    1. Hahah, I'm glad I'm not the only one that loves that game! Thank you!

  7. Excellent list! I adore putting new sheets on my bed and spritzing some orange/lemon essential oils <3 <3

    -Clarissa @ The View From Here

    1. I'm so happy that I'm not the only one that loves that! It's so refreshing!

  8. I LOVE this list!! I have a similar list of my own, but yours has some great new ideas. I love it :)

    1. I'm so happy I could add to your list! Thanks!

  9. I love all the tips your gave. My favorites are: watch a favorite tv serie, wear fuzzy socks, go to a coffee shop, and sleep! <3

  10. Fuzzy socks are really the best, aren't they? Thank you for reading!

  11. Terrific suggestions. You have enough that I can try one each day for a month! Thanks!

  12. This is fantastic! Thanks so much for making this perfect list. I shall def be sharing this on social

  13. Candles always do it for me. So soothing.

  14. 5, 9, 11, 12, and 26 are my absolute favorite ways to practice self care!

    1. I'm so glad that you already do those! Self-care is so so important. <3

  15. Replies
    1. YES! It has to be one of my favorites for sure.

  16. YES to clean sheets! They are the best!

  17. I love this list! I think fresh sheets are one of my favorite things in the world.

  18. Hannah I loved this post! So many good ideas here.

  19. I hadn't been managing my asthma correctly and when I fixed it I actually was able to workout yesterday and I was high all day. Exercise is a fix for many things mind, body and soul.

    1. Oh, yes. I'm happy you fixed it and you were able to enjoy working out!

  20. I.Love.Music! Music is my way of bring up low spirits. I love the idea of yoga though too. And Yes to essential oils! Definitely get you some. I find citrus scents help to uplift the mood best.

    1. I will have to try that for sure, i've been eyeing some, so I need to get them!

  21. I love crawling into a bed with fresh sheets. Most of the time the washing detergent or fabric softener smells amazing, but I like the idea of spraying my favorite scent on them.

    1. I have some fabric softener (I can't remember the name lol) that smells so fresh, it's perfect!

  22. i love this post! i can perfectly relate! i love my room filled with lights.. this is interesting!


  23. These are wonderful self-care tips. Self-care is important, but it is something many of us often forget to do. I know I am guilty of that. Toward the end of last year, I started making me a priority again. One of my biggest struggles was finding time. I didn't believe I had time, and I didn't look at some of the things I did as also being self-care. Once I put things in perspective, things like my time at the gym became more about me internally (the self-care aspect) than just ensuring I stayed healthy to take care of my family. I love that you included ideas that don't take much time or effort.

  24. Whenever I'm not feeling too good, I usually just turn off my phone. It works wonderfully!!

  25. This is an amazing list- I was only saying today to my mum that I need to focus on my self care a little more. Looks like I will be having a nice hot bath tonight, I love Lush bath bombs!
