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Natural Project

Happy Monday everyone, I hope everyone had a great weekend!
I normally never write in this alignment, but I figured that since this post might be rather long, I would do it. Today I bring to the chance to link-up with a natural picture of yourself. Wait, woah, did she just say “natural”? Yes, yes I did. It’s not as scary as it seems, I just actually took some natural pictures of myself. Now, you probably want to know why I’m asking for pictures like this, I’m asking for pictures because once I get all the beautiful photos of you guys, I’m going to make a college and call it the natural project.

I often see girls that post on social networking about he doesn’t love me because I’m not pretty. I often see people get put down because of how they look too. I will admit, I have put people down from a distance because of this, it’s a part of life and people do it every day. So why am I starting a project when I do the same thing, when I’m the bully? Because, people are beautiful, sometimes I’m not happy with myself so I feel the need to put others down. Not anymore though, I’m happy with myself, and I’m not afraid to show it.

I love makeup, I have makeup for dayyyyys, no joke. But I can also go out in public and feel pretty, because it’s who I am, why should I need to throw on makeup every day to please people? You best believe that when I don’t have something important going on, or I’m not meeting new people, I rock the no makeup look. I’m beautiful.

Girls, you have to know you’re beautiful before you become beautiful. Beautiful isn't what’s on the outside, it’s what is in the inside, like your guts and stuff. Just kidding, but really, the way you act, the way you carry yourself is all of who you are. Getting wasted every weekend, sleeping with a bunch of different guys, and being rude to everyone doesn’t make you beautiful. I know, I’m not the prettiest girl in the world, but I know I have a beautiful heart, and that is what counts most to me.

Pleasing people is a part of life, sometimes, even if you really dislike the person, you’re going to have to suck it up. But don’t keep pleasing people to the point of you don’t know who you are anymore. I fell into that once before, and it isn’t pretty. You lose yourself, but if you’re like me, you will find who you really are down the road. Knowing this project won’t save every girl and boy in the world, I hope you do know that maybe a group of kids will be saved by this. They will see how confident every one of you was to put your happy face up, and be forever grateful.

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  1. What an inspirational post! You're so right. I struggled for a long time because I didn't think I was pretty. I think a lot of that has to do with mean people in middle school. I've gotten to the point where I feel like I'm not pretty without makeup, even though I look pretty much the same. My goal is to start going more natural though. I think it's important for girls to unite and realize that we're all beautiful!

    1. You're a very beautiful girl! Don't let anyone tell you different! :)
