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How I Found My Niche

At the time I am writing this I am sitting In a bathtub soaking in bubbles. I'm listening to By My Side by Craves & I just had an interview about my blog in my head. Exciting right? You must be thinking one of two things right now, 1. Thanks for telling me you are in a bathtub right now, I really didn't want to think about you being naked. 2. Why are you having an interview about your blog in your head? I knew you were crazy. 

Well, first, I'm sorry, I just thought it would be nice to mention that because it's where I spend 66% of my time. Second, I am a little crazy but it's alright, we all are. I am having that fake interview in my head because it's something I've done since I was little, I love to practice what I will say one day when I make it big. Now your thinking, that's the only reason I have this blog then. Yes and no. When I first started blogging when I was a Junior in High school, I used it as an escape. I sucked at High school, so bad. I couldn't focus, and I just hated it so much except for one class. Since I had really bad internet at my house, I spent most of my days in High school writing and writing on my blog. I didn't care about making it big, I just enjoyed the fact I was able to get my thoughts out there and have a response.

I stopped blogging the day I graduated High school, the reason why? Because I had to grow up, I had to go out and get a "real" job and give up on blogging. After that day I lost the reason I even started blogging in the first place. Everything came about money; the root of all negative thoughts for me. I had to have money to get out of my parents household, I had to have money to do whatever I wanted to do, and I had to have money to have basic needs. If you have made it this far and you're wondering how is this suppose to help you at all, and what the hell this has to do with finding my niche, we have finally made it.

I started making YouTube videos around a year after I graduated. I enjoyed editing, filming, and I loved the response, sound familiar? YouTube was always an escape for me, just like blogging was. But there was a difference this time, I was broke, it was hard to buy things for myself and all I heard around me was money, money, money. My family was going through a hard time, and I started to see all of these YouTubers start flashing money around like it was nothing. I was so jealous, I wanted to buy all of these things, I wanted to get a bigger response rate like these people were. I love helping people, and I thank my lucky stars each day that no matter how big of a following I have, that I'm reaching at least one person. 

Fast forward to now, I'm sitting in a bath tub with bubbles and I have this blog that I write random shit on because I'm hoping it will make me money because working a 9-5 job doesn't make me happy. I am so pissed off at myself for the fact that I let this happen. I have let every bit of me go just thinking and hoping I will hit the jackpot. When I have that fake interview in my head, I never mention the money, I mention being happy and being able to live somewhere that I can make better content, I also mention the people I've got to meet because of this, and I mention that my life is better because I can be the person I want to be. 

This people, is when I found my niche. I realized that one day I will make it big, I will be making money, and I more than likely will have more money than I can handle. But that's not the factor, money should never be the factor in this, and I know there are so many young adults just like myself out there that are losing themselves because they want to get in the limelight for the wrong reasons. Do what you love, write what helps you escape, and film what makes you laugh and smile when you watch it back, because when you do that people will follow. We all read others blogs and watch people vlog because we see these people being happy and doing what they love to do, even if it's them getting a smoothie. When they laugh we laugh, and when they cry we cry. 

My niche is that I want to make content that others will enjoy, and love. I want to help young adults as myself realize that you can do whatever you set your mind to, just a little hard work and the right set of mind and to get you whatever you dream about. I want to talk about the makeup I love, I write about making my body better & loving it every step of the way, fashion that makes me scream, and motivation for anyone to go chase their dreams. 

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  1. It takes time to find your blogging niche (or life niche) but when you do, you'll know it :)

  2. This is actually a damn good article! Finding a niche can be so difficult for people! I was having that exact conversation with a colleague the other day, as they have trouble getting their head around how much content can be put into a niche topic.

    1. Thank you so much! It's unbelievable how much content you can write about with a single niche, thats why I think some people have such a hard time with it!

  3. Haha your intro is very grabbing and had me reading from the start!As a fitness addict myself finding my niche was quite easy but I know a lot of bloggers who struggle with getting it together.

  4. Finding your niche can be such a struggle, but it sounds like you figured out what yours is. As long as you stick with your blog and truly cultivate it and continue to love it the money will come, I promise! I've had my blog for almost four years and I was able to go full-time with it a year ago this month! Best of luck!

  5. Ah, thank you for sharing this with us, Hannah <3 I too have gone through the same struggles and sometimes ya gotta just do what feels right. Just start and you'll find your niche soon enough :-)

  6. I'm know I'm lucky in that my niche kinda found me (plus size fashion) but I know it can be so hard to narrow it down. I think if you do what you love, your niche will definitely find you and I'm glad that you found yours! x

  7. I don't know whether you really need a niche. Who says you have to conform to blogging and fit in somewhere x

    1. I look at a niche as something that you love. You can love many different things, and those all be your niches. :) Thank you for reading!

  8. I still don't think I have found my niche. I guess I do mostly parenting type stuff but then I guess, like life, things change a little anyhow and I tend to blog about this and that!

  9. I was lucky as I knew my niche from the get go, I'm struggling with it now though as I am trying to add in a bit of fitness too! xo
