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This is gonna be the best day of my life

Sorry ya'll, I know I haven't been on often! That reason is, yesterday, I finally graduated from high school. 
I thought it was going to be horrible because a couple days before that my grandpas best friend passed away, then when I actually got to the school that day, my senior video I worked on all year ended up horrible because the music wasn't playing right. The day wasn't going how I wanted it to at all. Then I finally got in one of those seats and sat down waiting for my name to be called to walk across that stage. I'd been telling one of my friends for weeks that he better mention me in his speech, but I didn't think he would actually do it. He got up there and said I took amazing senior pictures. Then I finally got my name called to go across that stage and got my diploma from my Ag Teacher, the guy that helped me graduate and got me where I am today. I couldn't thank him enough. I went to project graduation where I won a full ride scholarship to a community college by me. It's been a successful last week of school. I am truly blessed. 

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1 comment

  1. Congrats on graduation!! I wanted to let you know I nominated you for a Liebster award! The post goes up on my blog on Friday! :)
