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Birthday List!

Hey ya'll. It's Monday, which means i'm wanting to go back to bed, lacking coffee, and I feel horrible. I've started wearing sweats more often because it's to cold to dress cute. Can I be warm forever? 
Anyways, since my birthday is coming up March 11th, I thought i'd start off the week with my birthday list. 
I am very blessed with what I have, and I shouldn't really have to prove it to anyone, so i'm not going to write a super long post about how I don't need any of this,  I don't want you guys to hate me, blah blah blah. So on to the list! 

1. Monogrammed Red Fleece Vest 
$44.99 - Marleylilly.com

2. I dream of Carrie Skirt
$46.00 - Fioreboutique.com

3. The Simply Put Maxi Dress
$46.00 - shopinbloomboutique.com

4. The Perfect Aztec Legging
$18.00 - shopinbloomboutique.com

This is only a couple things that i'm asking for, I can't find my notebook at the moment so I can't post the rest.
Have a great Monday ya'll!

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