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Liebster Award!

Hey Ya'll. I recently got nominated for the Liebster Award! How exciting is that? :) 

The Liebster award is for bloggers that have less than 200 followers!

The rules for this award is:
1. List 11 random fact's about yourself
2. Answer 11 questions that the blogger who nominated you has asked
3. Let those bloggers know you nominated them
4. No Tag backs

Thanks ALOT to the awesome girl who nominated me, Sammi @ College Beauty Buff!

I'm going to go ahead and name my nominees! 

Have fun doing this girls!

11 random facts about me:

1. I hate wearing matching socks.
2. I'm president of my FEA chapter, and reporter of my FFA chapter.
3. I love taking notes with colored pens.
4. My favorite thing about going back to school is buying 
new clothes, new stuff, and a awesome new back pack. 
5. My room is either really messy, or super clean. There's no in between.
6. I play.. World of Warcraft.. NO shame. 
7. Whatever music I'm listening too when I'm editing pictures, will make me edit them that way.
So, like, if I'm listening to some rock, I will make them all dark. I don't know.
8. My favorite thing in the world is to make people laugh! 
9. I was in the Joplin, MO tornado my freshman year. After that, I changed a lot.
10. My boyfriend is in the Air Force. HUAAA. 
11. One of my crazy dreams is to go to fashion week in New York. Someone invite me. 

11 Questions From Sammi!

1. Top 3 favorite albums?
P!nk's Funhouse album, Eminem's Recovery album, and any album that involves Nickleback. 

2. What's your go-to-sad-day movie?
Safe Haven. OMG. I saw it on Netflix then was hooked.

3. Do you wear makeup? If so, what's your favorite product?
Yes, Indeed! I adore makeup, and i'm always hitting up Ulta. My favorite product would have to be Urban Decays Naked 3 palette. The rose colors are perfect for my green eyes!

4. You're stuck on a deserted island and can only bring four things. What are they? 
My cellphone, Charger for my cell phone, Bottled water, and Robert Downy Jr. He's iron man, he'll def save us.

5. If you could eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
Noodles with Cheese and butter. Who am I kidding, I eat this every day anyways.

6. Give me a fun fact about you.
I've been a bunch of places because of FFA, and been on national TV because of it too!

7. Have you ever been to a foreign country?
No I haven't, I would love to though!

9. The best concert you've ever been to?
I've only been to one concert.. and it sucked. Sadface. 

10. What's your favorite cafe?
Lighthouse Cafe

11. And the most important question of all - do you like Nutella?

11 Questions for you awesome ladies:

1. Favorite Movie? and why?
2. If you could have dinner with one person, dead or alive, who would it be?
3. Favorite high school memorie?
4. What's your favorite thing about you?
5. Favorite picture?
6. Favorite quote?
7. What's some life advice you think everyone should hear?
8. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
9. Weirdest food you've ever tried?
10. Most embarrassing moment?
11. Tell us about your best friend!  

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  1. Thanks so much for nominating me! I will definitely start writing my answers!

  2. My daughter hates matching socks. :)
    Congrats on the award and thanks for linking to Super Sunday Sync!
