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What's on Hannah's iPhone!?

As I was going through the interweb the other day, I stumbled upon some Youtube videos called "What's on my iPhone." 
Now i've watched these before, but before i've had a blog. I'm really into those videos showing what's in your school bag, or your purse. Then I thought...
How cool would it be to make a video like that into a blog form, that way you can re-read it over & over again & you also don't have to wait to hear what you want to hear because we all know some people go on & on on one product, & you may not really be interested in that. 

So, here we go, this is what is on my iPhone.

This is my lock screen, I got this handy-dandy wallpaper off a app.
These are my two pages, the first page I keep my most used apps on this page, then on my second page I keep my apps I kinda use.

Moving on to the first apps I use the most;
First one I use the most is Google + Snapseed, it's a very good editing app, & simple! Then I use snapchat a lot, it's not a editing app or anything but it's fun if you just want to send a silly face or something. Then whitagram, this is what I use to get my full photo on instagram, very helpful! Camera is also used a lot, of course. Then Piclab, I haven't used this much but it's very neat! 

Then there's the random folder,
I use iFunny a lot because I love a good laugh, and it's always updating. I'm always reading the Bible or wanting to look up a verse, so that's what the Bible is there for. Calendar came with the phone, & I'm always putting something on there to keep me in line. The last one I'm going to touch on is Buzzfeed, I LOVE Buzzfeed, my favorite app ever.

I'm not going to go over games, because everyone knows what games are. This is my workout folder, I've realized that I like working out with these apps then using some workout I see in Pinterest. There's some not opened yet, but the ones I've tried ya'll should do.

Last but not least, my Social folder. 
I love Twitter, I don't tweet as much as I use to but ya'll should still follow me, @WoahhHannah
Facebook: Hannah Morrill
Pinterest: Hannah Morrill
Instagram: Hannahnicolemorrill
Mail: Morrill5667@gmail.com

That's The end of what's on my iPhone! I'm not going through my second page because there's nothing important on there! Thanks for viewing!

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