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What Hannah the Lame does

Day 6 of Blog everyday in May
What do you do?

Well let's see, I do a lot of things..

I laugh.
You'll always find me laughing, maybe even about something that isn't even funny. Tell me a joke. 
Bahaha Awh.

I shop.
I can't go somewhere without buying something. It's becoming a issue because i'm broke.
Old photo for the win.
My mom likes to take the most random photos ever.

I hunt.
I don't have a photo for this one because my deer was so big it wouldn't fit in the photo. Okay maybe I haven't got that big buck yet that i've been waiting for. But this year I will! No doubt. 

I learn.
I go to school for 8 hours a day you think I would learn something. Well, I love to learn! But not math, I can't stand math.

Well, that's what I do. What do you do?


  1. I never really got that female shopping gene, except when it comes to yarn and good wine.

    Good luck with the May Challenge.
    Oozing Out My Ears

  2. Hahaha, I've never been any good at maths, or science. It's all too abstract for me :/

    1. Science confuses me really bad! Have a good day! :)
