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Life update!

So lately I haven't been posting much about what's going on in my life. It's been pretty busy/crazy. 

1. I got a new phone. I never thought I'd do it because I did love my iPhone, but I do love this Galaxy S3 too. I have a couple problems with it but other than that, it's pretty darn awesome.

2. Prom is this weekend. I'm not going but I am doing makeup and taking pictures at prom and some friends. Monday I was going to go buy a prom dress at last minute, not tell anyone I was going, then be like BAM, I'm going. But then I saw clothes then my money went towards that. Oh well, totally worth it.

3. Graduation is getting close. It's finally almost here, I've been waiting for it forever but at the same time I'm sorta nervous... It's freaking graduation. It's crazy. But I can't wait. I'm sleeping afterwards.

4. Matthew went to his next base. I didn't get to see him much while he was home because he was with family a lot, which, I understand because I would want to be with my family too. I did love every second I was with him though, probably some of the best times of my life. I swear he's like my best friend, and can make me happy when i'm feeling down. 

5. My business is going great. My goal for 2014 was to shoot one wedding, now i'm shooting 3... whaaaaa? I know. It's insane but I'm so pumped and excited I cant even hide it.

What's been going on in ya'lls life?

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