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I have a blog, what?

Yeah, I do have a blog. But sometimes I forget to update it because i'm just so freaking busy. 
But really, don't get me wrong I love to blog! 
But i'm so busy, a busy bee to be exact. 
As i'm blogging right now i'm sitting in a hotel room because i'm on a trip with my FFA homies for 4 days. We're at the Kansas State Convention. I love going to these things, and hearing all the speakers. So i've decided starting tomorrow i'm going to blog every night for the next 4 nights and talk about what I learned that day, and if it effected me in some way. I'm so excited! :)

xoxo, Hannah. 

Treat others how you would like to be treated.

Today is something someone told you about yourself that you'll never forget.
I've had many things that people that has told me from being pretty to being super funny. But what has stuck out the most to me is that i'm nice to everyone I meet. 
I find this very import because I know how it feels to be treated super bad, and I would never want anyone to be treated how I was treated. I like making people happy, I also like making them feel like they have a place in this world even though others may put them down. 
Some people say I'm too nice, but I rather be that then not nice at all.

xoxo, Hannah 

Senior Summer!

Sorry i've been MIA these last couple weeks.
I really, really hate leaving my blog. I love sitting here and reading post & also writing them. But school has kept me so busy. I had finals two days in a row and studying took over my life. I didn't get the score I wanted on one of my test, but it's life, i'll just study harder next time around. 
But anyways, I'M NOW A SENIOR!
I've been waiting so long to finally say that! I can't believe i'm just one step closer to being done with high school.  
Right now i'm doing a happy dance. Whoot Whoot!!!

Hannah's weekend

This weekend was the best I've had in a super long time! Lately I've been so busy with school & school trips to go have any fun, so starting Friday I thought I shall have a little fun. First I hung out with some friends, went to the mall & ate some pretty awesome food. Then later that night went bowling! I haven't been bowling in forever so I pretty much sucked it up. I made a new friend, & had tons of fun. Saturday I went to my Ex's graduation, & his grad party. I know ya'll are like "why are you going because he's your ex..?" But I went because I haven't seen his family in forever & I love them to death! It made me realize when I was there that I'm one short year away from graduating myself. :( then today, I cleaned the pool & tanned. I think this was a pretty awesome weekend. How was your weekend? :)

Rant Rant Rant

Day 22: Rant About Something

I don't understand why I have to spend two next days taking finals. Can't we get them done in one day? I WANT SUMMER BREAK.

This is really short, but like I said, I have two days worth of finals. 

Green eyed girl

Today is day 17! Also known as favorite photo of yourself & why.

I known its a sucky cellphone pic but I love it because of my green eyes. I never take a close up photo, or if I do, I don't like it. But this one I loved. It's probably not my most favorite photo but its one of my top ten. I also love my smile.

Xoxo, Hannah.


Day 16 of the Blog Everyday in May Challenge; something difficult about your "lot in life" and how you're working to overcome it.

There was once many things that I felt was going wrong in my life. I didn't care about school, I felt fat & ugly, I didn't believe I was someone; someone would want to be friends with, & I thought no one cared what I said so I held back. Bullying is a horrible thing to go through. I didn't go through the worst of it like some kids did; but I still went through a lot of it. From my middle school years starting with 6th grade when my mom fell through a glass table & I almost lost her, to my freshman year. In middle school I got made fun of because I didn't know how to dress & I didn't have money like the other kids in my grade did. My mom always dressed me & when she fell through the table a lot of things happen to her. So all I wore was a big green jacket & jeans everyday. 8th grade I went into this sort of "emo kid" stage. I dyed my hair black & dressed in dark colors. My freshman year was the same thing but in this year I was called fat more, I was also told a lot I had no boobs. it was upsetting, so I thought the only was to stop eating, not completely, but I only a little supper. I lost weight FAST. It was insane how all my middle school teachers would see how much weight I lost & they would mention it. My freshman summer I thought it was time for a change; I stopped hanging out with my friends that I hung out with, they wasn't getting me where I wanted to go in life, so I just stopped. I started eating better, I started dressing more like a girl, & I just stopped caring what people thought. No matter what people say to you, the only thing that matters is what you think about yourself & what God thinks about you. For a long time I thought no one loved me, but I realized God will always love me, no matter what. I'm still working on a lot of things in my life; it's a hard & long road but I know I'll be fine. I have a great family, friends, & I have a overall a great life. I didn't write this post to get attention, I wrote it because 1) it's the blog everyday thing & 2) when thinking about all the things I could write here, this seemed like something I was proud to overcome.

Xoxo, Hannah.

Yummy food & pain.

Interesting title, ya? Well first I'm going to start with the pain part. I'M NEVER GETTING FAKE NAILS AGAIN. Okay, I'm most likely lying but next time I get fake nails I'm going to have them took off at the place I get them done. Because, well, honestly this was my first time ever going & getting my nails done. I loved my nails so much! They were for prom & they matched pretty fraa-recking. Well, since it's been like a month since prom they was looking pretty ratchet, ( I always swore to never ever use that word but its true; my nails was looking horrible) and I needed them to come off. Taking matters in my own hands (ha ha) I cut, ripped, soaked in nail polish, & bit at my poor little nails. Now I feel like I have no nails & parts of the fake ones are still on there. :( Poor me. But it is my fault for being dumb, & it hurts my hands to type this post. On to the second part of this post, I HAD TH BEST FOOD EVER. Maybe not really was best but it was so good! The place is a seafood place & it's called crabby's. I was so stuffed & they give you a bunch for the price you pay! It was so worth it. If you have one near you, go, go right now.

Xoxo, Hannah.

A typical day.

Today is a photo out of your typical day for the Blog Everyday in May! My typical day is that I'm almost late to school because the whole senior thing is kicking in. I really can't wait to it to be my senior year, but I'm also very scared/nervous. Anyways, I went to all my classes & turned in my school laptop, I won't miss it. Then the last 3 hours of the day I played Just Dance 2, 3, & 4. The only photo I took today was of the Just Dance shindig.

Xoxo, Hannah.

My Happy Things

Day 14 of blog everyday in May.
10 things that make me really happy.

1. Spending time with family. Any Holiday with them is full of always laughing. 
Mama & daddy.

2. Friends. I don't know what I would do without their crazyness everyday.

3. Starbucks. I could drink it everyday and it would never get old.
4. God. I love his teachings and I'm a strong believer.
5. Footloose. Every time I watch that movie it makes me want to get up and dance.
6. Quotes! It would take you more then a week to go through all the quotes on my laptop.
7. History. History is pretty interesting, I find the world wars the most interesting.
8. Writing on paper. I would rather write on paper then write on the computer.
9. Bubble baths. It takes all my stress away. 
10. Taking awesome photos. 

Motivational Monday

It's Monday and everyone needs some form of motivation. I love this quote I put on here, I know it makes me feel special when I don't because it reminds me that someone is out there I thinks of me this way. I may have not met them yet, but someday I will & it will be the greatest feeling in the world. So never give up, I know it seems like the end of the world when your girlfriend/boyfriend break up with you or you realize it isn't what you want and you end it. But don't give up, like I always tell people that come to me for advice, that person is out there, one day you will find them. Maybe it's not right now, maybe it will be tomorrow, you'll never know. But God has the perfect time set up for you to meet the person that you find more perfect then anything in the world. Maybe they won't be really perfect, but they will be to you. So keep praying for that person to come in your life, pray that they are doing fine and they are waiting for you too. Don't pray for a certain person I say, because you will just get upset when they go off with the person they are meant to be with. Pray for the person that is going to love you with everything they have; even if it's not much. Now go have a great day!

Give yourself a high-five.

I'm Sorry...

If you was friends or had to see me everyday my freshman year. I wasn't the brightest ray of sunshine back in 09' 10'.
So if you was friends with me or saw me everyday, I respect you even more. Please High-five yourself.

Very deep Hannah, very deep.

My makeup was HOT. Woah.

I still love those though. Mmm.

And Pose.

Classic jumping pic. Like my hot pink pants?

Hannah Nicole<3 NO.

& Also take part in the Blog everyday in May. Even though I forgot two days because I left my laptop at school. 

Happy mamas day!!

It's mamas day Ya'll! I'm so luck to have such a great mother! She's always here for me no matter what. She's like my best friend! I love her to death! Sometimes we get in our little disagreements but not even 4 minutes later we're laughing about how stupid we was for fighting. She's sooo beautiful! Everyone should feel blessed about their mama everyday not just today. Now go give her.a hug! She also picked a amazing place to eat. I'm stuffed!


Today is day 10, also known as the most embarrassing thing that you've done if you're taking part in the blog everyday in May. So what's some embarrassing stuff I've done? I really don't have much because I try to stay away from that life. But here's some stuff.

Once my stomach wanted to start a mating call in the middle of class.

Once at school I was walking up the stairs, wasn't paying attention & trip. I can still feel the mental & physical pain.

Also one time I was super sick at school & coughed then farted at the same time. Awesome.

I'm pretty sure there is more, but so much as happen today that I can't think. Plus it's probably really bad.

Happy Mother's Day Mimi!

Today me & my mama went to see my grandma. You'll often see me say Mimi because that's what I've called her ever since I was itty bitty. But anyways, about a month ago my mom wrote a essay about my grandma to the news station around here (Ksn) for a Mother's Day contest. The essay was really good & they said out of the 1000 mothers enter my moms was the best! So my grandma won all this awesome stuff & my mom and I get to go along with my grandma to experience this awesome stuff! Also, the news station got my mom & I some flowers and a box of candy. We also get to go get a pedicure! I'm so excited!

Holla for a dolla

Me & my family decided we wanted to hold a garage sell this weekend. That's why it took me so long to blog today. I'm also blogging from my iPhone because hotspot is being dumb & won't load any photo I want on there. So get ready for 3 different post so the photos with go together! Anyways, here's some photos of my garage sell gear, pretty much what I wore to set this up. My daddy lifting a pretty heavy chair, he's a stud, & here's some random junk were selling. I made pretty much $50 or more, so it's been pretty good so far!

A alright moment in my day.

So today is a moment in your day & so I thought why not post about school! I spend Monday through Friday here so it's perfect. Right now I am blogging from my iPhone because my photos from my phone won't show up on my laptop. Ugh! Oh well. Also, I get out at 1:30 today because of a track meet. Woot woot!

New kittens!

Last night when I got home my mom told me that we got new baby kittens! I've been waiting forever for them & finally they started to come out. Then we realized their mama was no where to be found, & that cat would never leave her babies. We got some milk & fed them. We're going to give one anyway to some that wants it at my school. Here's some photos of our play time/feeding time. :)

Just live it.

Today is the best advice you can give.
I'm about to change your life, ready?

You need to just live.
Yep, just live.

Reasons why? Well because you only have one life before you go up and meet the father, and when you get up there he's going to ask you why didn't you live your life? Wouldn't you want to go up there instead and talk to him & thank him for all the stuff you did? Who cares what anyone thinks, the only voice you need to hear is God's. He'll help you through it all. Also, become closer with him; I always had my doubts, I always said, it doesn't matter, he'll love me for me. Tis true, but you are not you till you actually go out and find who you are. I figured out that I have a strong love for God and his blessings. He has blessed me with more then I would ever ask for. I don't care what anyone things anymore, I use to want to dress a certain way, and act a certain way to get people to like me. Don't live that way, go out and do what you need to do to get you to where you need to be. I just used a lot of to's in that last sentence but you get the point. Another piece of advice I want to give is that don't waste your whole life waiting for a boy that most likely doesn't want you at all. Yes, he says all these sweet things and you think he's the one. But if he's really the one, he'll come back to you in the end and everything will be alright. So no need to not live your life because you want someone, you need to find yourself before you can ever find someone else. Also, to go with this post; here's some quotes I always look at. :)

Okay that's all. :)
Xoxo, Hannah.