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How to Start Saving Money

I always have been a really crap person when it has come to saving money. I don't know what it is, I just can't put that money into a jar and accept the fact that I am not allowed to touch it. I love clothes, food, and cat toys. Yes, I can't walk into a Dollar Tree without buying a cat toy for my little brats. The point is that I am never going to be able to actually save money so I leave that part to Stephen. What I did realize I am good at is finding really good sales, picking different items over other items to save money, and falling in love with the thrift store. Here are some tips from a girl that is just like you.

1. Accept that the Thrift Store Really isn't that bad

I have always felt at least where I live there was this bad thing about thrift stores. It almost felt embarrassing to say that I picked up a shirt from the Goodwill down the road. Now I proudly post everywhere how much I love that Goodwill because it has saved me so much money. Speaking of thrift store, check out my thrift haul

2. Make a Budget

Having a budget has saved me so many times. When I sometimes forget that I have a bill coming up, I look in my planner and I look at my budget list. It helps me each paycheck put money back for those bills and make sure I am not getting any late bills. It is important that you don't get any late bills because one, it can cause your credit score to go bad. Two, there are evil, evil, late fees. Having a budget helps you save money in that way but also makes sure you don't spend too much money on one thing. A little tip, everytime you get paid take out what you need for food and leave the rest in your bank, that way you will only spend what is in your pocket. 

3. Make a Compare list

I am crazy about lists, so anytime I have a chance to write one I do it. Make a list of your budget of everything you spend on a day to day basis. Then make your budget, and stick to it. Come back to that list in a few months and write down next to it what you now spend on items. You will be hopefully surprised at the difference, and it will motivate you to keep on saving money. Plus it proves to you that you don’t need that Starbucks everyday, regular ol’ Coffee does the job just as well. 

4. DIY

The one thing that always jumps up and surprises me as gifts for people. I love buying gifts so I normally take it way too far and I buy a lot of things for them to just see a smile. Something recently I’ve really enjoyed is DIYing the gifts instead and wrapping them in homemade wrapping paper. It adds a special touch that might have not been there before. Another thing I have learned is decorating a new home is expensive as hell. Instead research on YouTube some ideas that you have and see if you can DIY it. The point of this point is to learn to DIY and enjoy it. It saves tons of money and gets you off your phone for a while! 

5. Take advantage of free days

If you have not heard of free days, you are about to have your mind blown. I didn't learn about this until a couple of years ago. It is days when museums are free, and it just depends on the day and the city you live in. Research museums that are around you, call them up and ask what day they have free admission. Instead of spending money on going out and doing things, why not have free things to do? 

6. Stop shopping online

This one might be a harder one to do, or maybe you just might have to cut down on this. Stop online shopping so much. I have prime on Amazon and it is great because it does save you on shipping which does save you money. But since it makes it cheaper I spend so much more. Delete those shopping apps, and take them out of your bookmarks, you will thank me later. If you do have to buy things online use Ebates, it has helped me a lot with getting money back quickly. I will speak on that later in the post. 

7. Make a capsule wardrobe

I recently have done this. My closet was so full and it was annoying when I was trying to find something. I would go buy more pieces because I couldn't find a single thing! I decided one night I was sick of it (and the laundry that came with it.) I went through every item and found shirts that still had tags on them, yikes. I then made a pile I wanted to keep and sell, and the keep I kept very small. I picked items that helped me make more than one outfit. How does this save you money? You learn to buy items that are going to last a long time, then relying on fast fashion. You also find out that you don't need to buy so many different items to look fashionable. 

8. Ask yourself if you really love this item.

When you are out shopping, no matter what it is, ask yourself if you really love it. Is it something that is going to bring you happiness? Are you going to regret it when you bring it home? Love the things that you bring into your home so you are surrounded by happiness. 

9. Prepare in advance

I don't buy anything now unless I have a list and I have researched everywhere to see what the best prices are. I don't have time when I am in the store to do that, and it starts to get really stressful. This way you have a list of what you need to get and where the best place is to go. 

10. Ebates, baby. 

Life. Saver. You don't really save money but you get money back. Swagbucks also does the same thing. If I have to shop online I always make sure that I will get some kind of money back, if I can't, then I think a lot about if I really end that item or if there is another place I can find that will sell that item and I will get money for it. 

11. I leave money in my PayPal that I make from my side hustles

If you haven't seen my side hustle list, go there and come back here. There I list all the side hustles I do on a daily basis. When I make money from those I leave the money in my PayPal so I do not spend that money and it is like I am just saving that money. It is really helpful since Stephen and I are still working on our home to make it what we want. I will be writing a post soon on what I did to buy a home at 21, so look out for that!

12. Bundle. Bundle. Bundle. 

Bundles are a fantastic thing when it comes to getting internet and TV. I am sure other companies offer bundles also so you get to use more than one product of their at a cheaper price. Even value packets are bundles and will save you more than money if you just got that one product. Look out for promotional items also that might be on sale and wait until then to get the product if you can afford the time to wait.  

13. Go with a contract-free cell phone plan

If you can afford to just straight out buy your phone, that is the best thing to do. Then go with a contract-free phone plan like Boost Mobile. That is the plan that Stephen is currently on and he gets better data, and more bang for our buck then my contract phone plan has. 

14. Track your spending

This point is kind of a mix of making a budget and comparing every couple months. But instead, you are just tracking what you are spending each day. There are some great apps out there that link up to your bank account and track that for you like Mint. Mint is a safe way to do that on the go without you having to worry about it or forgetting. Another way is to just stick to just ol' fashioned pen and paper, which is my favorite. Make a graph and see where your money is going each day. 

15. Have a goal. 

I left this one for last because it is for sure the most important one out of this whole list. You need to have a goal in mind before you even start saving money, and I don't just mean an amount goal you want to save, which is nice but have an even bigger goal. Do you want to go on a trip? Do you want to stop living paycheck to paycheck? Do you want to retire at an early age? Or do you even just want to have more money to buy more yummy foods? I have learned that in life you will get nowhere in life if you do not have an end goal because you have nothing to work towards. If you succeed at a goal, congrats and reward yourself then make a new goal. Keep working hard. 

I hope that all of these tips helped you reach the comfort you want in life with money. I hope you enjoyed this post if you do please don't forget to leave a comment down below letting me know and any other tips you may have for others. Have a wonderful day!

Where I Have Been

Hi, there! I'm not going to make this post super long because I believe I explained all the points of where I have been best in this video. I hope that you check it out & support me! I hope to be back soon!

Side Hustle Master List! Earn $600 a month!

The past three weeks I've been out of work because of surgery, and I found myself getting really bored, also mad at the fact that I could be making money for my new house at that moment. So I decided to do some research into how I could be earning money while I was at home, but it not take up to much of my time (unless it was fun, then I really didn't mind.) I came across SO many different websites, that honestly it was really overwhelming. So I tried each one out for a day or two, and at the end of those two days I would stick with the ones that made me the most money.

These sites have been wonderful, and I honestly get so excited awhile doing them because I know that I'm making tons of extra money with my spare time. After I had a lot of people interested in how I do this, I decided to make this step by step guide that will include how much time it takes me to do each task, and how much money per month I earn from it (+ earnings I've seen from other people.) I also will include tips + tricks that will make it so much easier for you that I haven't seen anyone else mention before! Now into the good part.

Part One: The Side Hustles 

Survey Sites

Survey Sites are websites that you can do Surveys on and earn rewards for completing those surveys. They are favorite through everyone I've seen because you can do Surveys over pretty much anything. I've had some over makeup products, movies, food, etc. It's something great if you want to put your opinion out there from who you are buying from. 

*Surveys can range in times, do not accept a survey if it is long but not having a big pay out ( By big I mean around 80 cents to $2.00.) It will seriously be a waste of time. I like doing a bunch of smaller ones, and I've noticed that racks up my points faster!*

1. Survey Junkie (30 minutes - 1 hour   $120 a month)

Survey Junkie is my favorite survey site I have ever tried, and I have tried A LOT. If I am really pushing at this site, and really paying attention I can earn a extra $10 per day off of this site. $10 a day may not seem like much but at the end of the month that can be $300. This site is perfect to sit on the couch and watch some Netflix & do surveys. Plus sometimes you get to see new products they are coming out with or movies that no one else knows about! Click here to sign up.

2. Swagbucks (30 minutes - 1 hour $50 - $100 a month)

I feel as if Swagbucks is one of favorites from everyone, and I can see why. I have been using this site for years, and it has never let me down. Stephen & I use to barley have money to go on dates, so we would hop on Swagbucks and earn some money, then go on our date! The best way I have earned money from here is signing up for other sites through the discover tab. It's the fastest, and easiest way to earn the money. They will even pay you to clip coupons, like how cool is that?! This is another one that I recommend doing while watching TV, or a movie. Click here to sign up.

3. InstaGC (15 - 30 minutes per day $20 a month)

This one is personally new to me. The site has been around forever, but I just recently heard of it. When I tried it I was really confused on how to earn money from it, but a few Reddit posts later and I finally learned and I 100% recommend it! It's the one with the lowest payout, you can get a $1 gift card unlike other sites & it's instant! I have a feeling that I'll be earning so much more from this site, but since it is very new to me that's why I just said $20 a month. If you need a fast gift card for anything I recommend this site. Click here to sign up and get 10 free points. 

4. InboxDollars (10 minutes per day $30 a month)

This was the first site like this I ever signed up for years ago. I just signed up again around 3 days ago and I already earned $30. I'm sure you can make more per month but I only want to say what I've earned. They also give you tickets to enter in Sweeps (chances to win money!) My favorite part of this whole site is the fact that they have their own little email box. Why is that awesome? Because every email that you open and click confirm this paid email, you get 1 cent for. You could easily earn $30 just by doing that each month. Plus you get $5 for free when you first sign up. Easy money, guys. Click here to sign up and get that $5.

5. Vindale Research (10 - 20 minutes $20 a month)

I haven't honestly used this site very much, I normally go on this one if I am not having anything new pop up on the other sites. But please don't take it as this site isn't good! This one for sure has the highest pay outs on surveys I've ever seen! It is worth it if you just want to do longer ones that has the higher payouts. I do believe they are picker though, because it takes a little to find one that you get accepted for but once you do, it's fantastic. Plus you get $2 free once you finish their tutorial. Free money is always great to me. Click here to get $2 for free!

Short Task Sites

Short task sites are the websites that are going to give you a chance to earn more money. You get to work at the pace you want, and do as many tasks as you would like each day. This is my favorite way to earn money because I am more in control. This is something you could also do while watching your favorite TV show or movie, or jam out while doing them. To explain the tasks a little bit, you are doing this for different companies. I have for sure seen people earn $2000+ a month doing these along with the surveys, so if you really want to put some hard time into it (or you are a stay at home mom) you can for sure earn a lot of money.
*There are tasks you are able to do from your phone also!* 

1. ClickWorker (1 hour - 2 hours $100 a month)

I love this site so much. It is so much fun to me! They have a different platform through their site called UHRS, and that is where I earn a lot of my money from this site. After you sign up for ClickWorker they will have you do a simple test to see if you qualify to work on that platform. All they ask you is simple English questions, and things like that! Then the tasks are easy and simple, you earn so many cents per task and you do them in batches. They add up really fast, and if you really spend time on this you could earn way more then $200 a month. Sign up for ClickWorker!

2. Amazon Mturk (4+ hours $200-$400 a month)

Amazon Mturk is the most popular Short Task Site. Don't get scared by the 4+ hours, that's just how many hours I spend on there! I could also make way, wayyyyy more money but I get distracted by my cat super easy and other things. I have worked with Amazon, Pinterest, and other companies with this one! You can sign up for Amazon Pay and get it transferred to your bank account, or just get Amazon gift card balance like I do. Stephen and I treat ourselves to Amazon everyday now! Haha. I have seen people make $2000+ a month off this site alone. 

3. Microworkers (15 minutes - 30 minutes per day   $20+ per month)

I spend little amount of time each day on this site. I only check it to do simple tasks like retweeting something, liking a Facebook page, etc. I like it but I prefer spending a lot of my time on the other sites. It's something simple, so sign up! 


I have a few little more things that I do because I really love to do them. They earn me little money normally but it doesn't matter much, because it is something I can do while I'm in between working on the other sites, or while out and about. 

1. ShopStyle Collective (5 minutes per day)

I spend most of my time on Pinterest, so when I found this site it made me so happy. You pin clothes from your favorite stores, and you earn money per click on that Pin. You have to have $100 in your account to cash out, but I'm not to worried about earning a ton of money from this because I enjoy doing it. Feel free to take it more seriously though, and earn a crap ton of money from just pinning! Sign up here. 

2. Ebates

I only use Ebates when I'm shopping online. You earn cash back from all of your favorite sites, and it's great. When I am shopping online from the money I earn from other sites, I turn on Ebates and earn some of that right back! Sign up now. 

Part two: Tips + Tricks

Sub Reddit's To Check Out

All of the Reddit forums I will be mentioning really helped me when I was starting out this journey. Without them I would of been really lost on how to make the most out of these sites. Some of them post monthly what they make from each site so you can see what you can make, and also find some new sites! Checking these daily is highly recommended because a lot of users will post when they find something high paying, or they are there to help you. Please take a minute to make an account, download the app, and subscribe to each of these. 

Things to Remember

* You will not get rich from this, these are tools to help you save and earn more money. 
* Don't take it too seriously! I think what makes them so great is the fact they are fun. 
*Watch Netflix, listen to music, have a survey party with your friends, anything to help with the fact you are going to be staring at a computer. 
*Important* I make a second email to sign up for all the sites. They will send you things through your email, and it can seem spamy at some points. Also, when signing up for other sites through like Swagbucks or InboxDollars, the second email comes in handy so you are not getting a crap ton of emails. 

That is all I am going to mention in this post, so it doesn't get way to long! If you would like me to make another post on how you can earn money from your phone let me know! If you have any questions I am always happy to answer them. Happy money earning!