It's a two letter word but yet it has so much more meaning then two letters. You are everything that you've spent your life learning, you're everything that you've heard, wrote, done, acted like, and inspired.
Now, you have the simple people, the one's that get caught up in the life that others want them to live. They're a clone to what life is suppose to be, well, what you're suppose to be. You've heard that 1,000 times, that people are clones and that they just want to be like everyone else. Everyone has gone through that, but answer this question, when you went through that stage, was you really like everyone else? The answer in my opinion is no. You still went home that afternoon and hung out with your parents, or pets, or even maybe your boyfriend at the time. But you acted way different when you get around those certain things, but around those certain things, you feel more of yourself.
You are you, and nobody is like you. You love different, cry different, and have different personality's.
So what is you? What is Me?

Me = Dreamer: "You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one." I bet you've heard this quote before, if you haven't it was the first thing that popped in my head after I wrote the subtitle which is in bold. I dream a lot, and I also mean when I'm sleeping too. But I mostly mean when I'm awake, and after I watch a very good movie, I want to go do what happen in that movie and I get so inspired. I've been like that ever since I was a kid. When I would watch a spy movie, I thought I was a spy so I would army crawl through the house and use my DS to send messages to HQ. But as you get older, your dreams change. They're more realistic, and I'm sure some you can do if you really set your mind to it. I dream one day that I will get married, have a great family, but first I dream to finish college. I've promised myself that when I started high school, to wait till I can support other people, and give them the love and advice that they need in life. That is my dream. But don't get me wrong, if someone is from HQ and wants me back as a spy, I'll gladly take your offer.
Me = lover & fighter: I could never win a fist fight to save my life, but when I get mad enough, I can sure let out a yell. but that's only been towards my mother because we like to fight with each other every day so we don't take it out on other people. My mother is a strong women, she's taught me that you have to have a backbone in life, you can't let people walk all over you. Every time I have a break up, or lose some friends, I think about that and become better at not letting those people keep on treating me horrible. But then the lover side comes out, and I forgive because I hate to see those people mad at me. I fall in love to easy, I forgive to easy, and I always have to give 1000 chances out to people which I think deserves them. But that's not a horrible thing, because that's the way God has made me, and my family loves me more then anything in the world. One day I will find those friends, a husband, or just people that love that about me. I already do have people like that in my life.
Me = Blessed: I have the best family around. Yes, we get in our little fights but at the end of the day, those are the people that's going to be there for you. I have had some awful stuff happen before, but it's true when they say "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." We all get caught up in everything that we have that we feel the need to brag, or stay to our self. Normally, I find myself forgetting to thank the Lord, and my family for everything and anything. I'm not perfect, but I'm learning. That's all that matters.
Me = Me: I am me, no one else is like me. I've thought at points I've found people that could be like my twin, but it's not possible. I found myself just trying to fit in with these people that I know I don't relate to at all. I love FFA, I love to learn even though I never get my work done at school, my coffee has to have a lot of sugar and creamer in it before I even try to drink it, I like to take pictures of myself because it makes me feel good, I'm a night owl, but not a real one because the only reason I stay up is because I sleep all day. Most of my summer has been spent in my room, reading a book, or spending it with my ex and family. My life isn't perfect, I don't have something exiting to write about each day, and a lot of the time I want to give up on this blogging thing because I see all these people with posts that get so many views, and they're having so much fun.
But this is Me, flesh and bone through the internet.